Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Birthday Bits

It's my birthday and I shall go crazy if I want to. (Ha ha I turn magical 33).

In all stupidness and slackness, I discovered the joys of cyber shoppping. BAD idea. Bad.
Peter Alexander is my best friend. Check this out - this is the cutest thing I have seen in ages. Pregnant-friendly too.

Witchery is just totally hot. Check this out. I got it in Grey. I struggle to wear it so it barely fits, but who the frig cares?

And how about this as a yummy treat. Apeman bought it for me today, but of course in the large, LARGE, LARGE version. Right now this monster is chilling out in my fridge, waiting to be devoured by moi.

Thank God for small favours (and internet shopping).

1 comment:

moi said...

happy birthday!! and your treat looks divine. :)