Sunday, April 30, 2006


Sorry girls for not posting earlier. Everything went as well as can be - the reason why it took me so long to post again is because today (being Sunday) is the first day I can sit upright. I have a serious sore ass. More later on this rectally challenged issue.

Depending on which way you want to look at it - I am relatively happy to have 6 fertilised Ape-Drew nesting in the clinic. Hopefully there are still 6.

Told you they double accounted some of the follicles!

So initially I was told I have approximately 13 follicles in the making. After much fuss, much freaky business inside the theatre of egg collection, I woke up from sedation and asked the most important, mind shattering question: "Have you guys started (egg collection) yet?" . The answer is of course yes hunny, you are in recovery room. It's all over.

So how many eggs were there?



Oh what? That's not a bad number you know!

Well I thought I had more, I was half expecting 13 you know. (In the background I could hear a woman almost jumping over joy - if only she could stand with the drips still attached to her arm - that they collected 14 from her. 7 from each side).

Later when Apeman finally returned to my bedside, after a side trip made to the porn room (hey they have DVD's you know! - said the Apeman), and a brief return to his office, he recounted to me how the doctor was a bit reluctant to retrieve more follicles from me. I said oh why not! He said the doc reckons your other follicles weren't mature enough. The good thing was all 8 follicles collected were Grade 1 Drew-clan. I feel blessed already.

I spent all day friday and saturday in pain. Full on rectal bowel pain. When I was in the recovery room I was asked if I am sore. I said yeah I am pretty fucking sore. Where sore? Oh the...the...bowels? They said the bowels? Yeah the bowels. It wasn't until I was admitted into the day care patient quarters that I decided to shyly tell the nurse (with the nose-ring) that my ASS is sore. She giggled and said oh hunny you are allowed to say ASS here. I said yeah goody because my ASS is very, very sore. What in the hell did the doctor do to me in that room! I asked Apeman if he recalled any hard objects were shuffed rectally into me during the procedure. He said no. I said did you see the eggs?

`Yeah, they just look like round little things with a lot of pus around it'


Then on Saturday I got the call from the lab telling me 6 has fertilised with the Ape-sperm.


Yeah that's not a bad number you know. Considering one of the eggs out of the 8 are actually a little on the undercooked side (ie too small), so it really is 6 out of 7. Not a bad percentage. So do you want to go ahead with PGD? (It is not as good as my last fresh cycle, because I had 11 eggs collected and 9 fertilised, but the percentages look a lot better this time).

Yes please. I am happy to know there's six of me and Apeman joined together. A part of us.

And you know what they say - you only need one. I am not going to pray for anymore success, because I have done that before. I just hope there is a chance for me.

It's time for me to become a mommy.


Pamplemousse said...

Great news, Drew! I hope your ass recovers quickly and the PGD goes well too!

Thalia said...

Great news, drew, I'm pleased you got some good ones. Fingers crossed.

Sheryl said...

8 is a great number Drew!! Grow embies Grow :)

YouGuysKnow said...

6 fertilized! that's great! congrats on this milestone, to you and Ape. sorry your ass hurts (LOL, sorry) i hope it distracts you during the wonderful TWW. ;) hugs

Mony said...

Good. Good. Good.
ALL GOOD! Oh, except for your sore arse sweetie.

MC said...

Excellent. Good luck.

Family Ties said...

Just hearing you say that brought tears to my eyes. IT IS time for you to be a mommy.


Kath said...

8 is a good number and 6 is fine to work with. Go with the PGD. If their crap its better to know now than in 2weeks.

Kris said...

I'm so glad to hear your good news. I hope to continue to hear more...