Thursday, May 04, 2006

And then there's none...

We are now wading in the million-dollar pool -  its all fun and games except we haven't paid our entry fees yet.

Does that make any sense?  Nah I don't get it either but that's how I feel at the moment.

We received the terrible news this morning that my only other little bean didn't make it to Blastocyst stage.  It has been stagnant since the night before.  So what we have here is - a pool of six embryos reduced to one.  And this one little bean is with me right here as I type.  A cycle that started off with 13 or so follicles.  Now only one.

The statistics is mind blowing to say the least - for I now have none for freezing.  Which may not be a bad thing afterall - because I am a little reluctant to do a frozen transfer next time with only one left - based on experience the last one is the jinx and there simply isn't going to be a backup plan if the blastocyst does not survive the thawing.

It is also bizarre to know that the 3 abnormal ones passed the blastocyst stage with flying colours, with one almost to the hatching stage - but they are not to be.  Whereas the normal one just couldn't make it.

This cycle has been quite a lot of money for us, but that is not something we will worry about at this stage.  Though the Ape nearly fell off his chair when the bill was presented to us prior to transfer.

All we ask for is a child to hold in our arms, our little mirror image, somebody to love and nurture and love us back unconditionally.  A child to spoil, for Apeman to teach party tricks to, to protect, to hug when it's thundering outside and assure him/her that everything is going to be alright because you are our sweet little bean.

I just want a chance.  Please.

Here's to two weeks of mind numbing wait.


OvaGirl said...

I'm so sorry about your other bean. And hoping that the first one is enjoying new accomodation and making plans to stay. Good luck.

Pamplemousse said...

Yes, but that one is such good quality and rightness that no other ones will be required! Stay cool and admire your Keds.

YouGuysKnow said...

mmm. sorry about the last little one not making it to freeze. but i think you're totally right on with your thinking - who wants to plan a FET with only one to unfreeze? the unfreezing is so chancy and delicate, i can't imagine banking on just the one. dare i say it's almost better that it's worked out this way?

so you've got one inside. this is good. this is great! try not to think of it as 6 down to 1... think of it as... you have a fertilized egg inside now. and it's been examined and cleared.

drew, I've been reading back on your blog and you have been through SO much. i wouldn't presume to give you any assvice at all. you are an amazingly strong woman and your perseverence is incredibly motivating to others. you deserve this to work. i will say good luck. and know that someone on the other side of the world is wishing you the very ver best. now go get distracted!!

Betty said...

Hi Drew, at least there is one for you, this could be the one. Gosh I hope so. Bugger about the others. I'll share the 2ww with you, I'm on day 1. Crossed fingers