Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Prime Yearling Beef

Somebody at work just offered to go halves in a slab of prime yearling beef – to be freshly slaughtered end of July. Tastefully the seller has attached a picture of the poor bugger – he has a smooth dark brown coat – a pretty cow. I had the choice of either taking the forequarter or the hindquarter.

Look, I am a meat eater, I don’t do bloodied steaks – but I DO eat beef. But I can’t possibly eat something I can put a face to. It is just too heart wrenching. I turned the offer down immediately of course. Prime yearling or not.

Ape-man just rang to let me know he has picked up my records from my old clinic – (I need to do a show and tell for my new doctor tomorrow). I asked him was it in one of those A4 yellow envelopes. He said no – it’s more like a folder.

Tonight I am going to spend some time reminiscing about my IVF track records wearing my comfy PJ’s sipping warm honey water. Surely it must be better than the TV crap they show on Wednesday nights.


Unknown said...

But honey...Big Brother!!!!

Its a bit frightening when presented with a huge folder of medical records. I really hope you get somewhere with your new doctor.

Drew said...

Oh yeah! Big brother is on!

Did you check out the uncut the other day? Logan boys not bad. Bit on the short side. :)

I really don't know what to do when big brother finishes. Oh but then again Aussie Idol comes straight after! Yippee!!

Eggs Akimbo said...

I heard Big Brother in Australia was just full of strippers and wanna-be Jordans!

MC said...

I can't get into Big Brother, they just seem to be bogan show offs to me.
God it's depressing when your medical files are like thick books.